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Aug 22, 2024


By Rabia Abdalla Hamid

As Ambassador Dr. Emmanuel Nchimbi, the Secretary General of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), leads a delegation of CCM leaders to visit China from 23rd to 31st August, 2024, following the invitation of the Communist Party of China (CPC), CCM has learnt that the 20th Central Committee of the CPC has convened its Third Plenary Session in Beijing from 15 to 18 July 2024.

CCM, as a sister party of the CPC, warmly congratulates the meeting of this landmark event, which comes at a critical time for China's endeavor to build a great country and push forward national rejuvenation on all fronts through China's modernization.

The partnership between CCM and CPC dates back to the early 1960s, when Tanzania was taking steps towards independence under the visionary leadership of Julius Nyerere.

Nyerere's concept of Ujamaa, or African socialism, resonated deeply with the ideas of Mao Zedong, creating a natural affinity between the two nations.

The formation of CCM in 1977 marked a turning point in Tanzania's political landscape. As the torchbearer of Ujamaa and self-reliance, CCM found a close spirit with CPC, which was committed to socialist ideals and national development.

In the past, this partnership grew out of shared anti-colonial views and socialist ideas, with China supporting African countries’ freedom struggle and growth plans. Over time, this link has changed with the world, but the two-way cooperation has remained strong.

Today, the CCM-CPC bond plays a major role in boosting Tanzania's economic development, building new flagship infrastructure projects and sharing governance experiences. This brings the two countries closer and stable.

When President Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of CPC, made his first trip to Africa in March 2013, he chose Tanzania as his first stop immediately after taking office. This was a clear demonstration of the brotherhood between the people of Tanzania and China.

His visit stood out among many successful high-level meetings that led to the signing of several social, economic and trade agreements.

President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, Chairperson of CCM, met twice with President Xi Jinping to outline a blueprint for Tanzania-China relations in various fields, making the bilateral partnership stronger than ever.

Our unity has also enhanced political and ideological interactions, which continue to have a significant impact on CCM-CPC relations.

These interactions often include high-level official visits, training for party cadres and exchanges of insights on governance and party development.

The CPC has played a significant role in supporting Tanzania's efforts to modernize its economy. This has included not only financial investment, but also technical assistance and capacity building initiatives aimed at strengthening Tanzania's governance and administrative capacity.

The CPC shares its expertise in economic reform and poverty reduction with CCM, which is keen to learn from China's achievements in these areas.

CCM is aware that promoting China's modernisation was on the agenda of the Third Plenary Session. 

The CPC regards the promotion of China's modernisation as the most important policy, and insists on further deepening reform and opening up, continuously liberating and developing social productive forces, and unleashing and enhancing social vitality.

Undoubtedly, the resolution of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee has sent an important signal of China's continued stability and economic development.

China strives to comprehensively deepen reform to advance China's modernisation, will create new opportunities for China, Tanzania and Africa.

China's opening up over the past 40 years has undoubtedly promoted domestic reform, development and stability. It has also facilitated the common development of other countries.

China's GDP has grown from US$200 billion in 1978 to US$17.9 trillion in 2023, and for several years it has contributed more than 30% to global economic growth.

As we embark on a new era, both sides have the opportunity to rise to the challenge of navigating the uncharted waters of the 21st century.

As we sail into the uncharted waters of the 21st century, both sides face a sea of challenges such as global economic shifts, digital transformation and climate change. 

The global economy is undergoing a shift, digital transformation is upon us, and climate change is an opportunity for innovation.

China is experiencing high-quality development and unleashing new high-quality productive forces. 

There is no doubt that more opportunities for cooperation in new areas will be explored through platforms such as the Belt and Road Cooperation and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. This will achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.

The CPC has shown us that modernization is an exciting journey with endless possibilities. 

There's never been a one-size-fits-all approach, and there's always more than one way to modernize.

China has achieved incredible results! It has lifted 98.99 million rural people out of poverty and built the world's largest education, social security and medical systems. 

China is modernizing its national governance system and governance capacity, which is an exciting and integral part of the country's modernization journey.

China has pursued reform with a people-centred approach, and Chinese modernisation clearly embodies Chinese characteristics.

 These are consistent with CCM's pro-poor policy of improving people's well-being and independently charting a development path for the "Tanzanian" situation. Chinese modernisation practice will add a new dimension to CCM-CPC exchanges.

The past years of CCM and CPC relations, have been a glorious period of solidarity and unity. There is no doubt about it. It has been a period of sincere cooperation and common development. A period of shared ideas and mutual support.

We are at a new historical starting point. It is our historic mission to achieve modernization and continuously improve people's livelihoods. 

The future looks bright for the CCM-CPC relationship! With frequent high-level visits, leadership exchange programs and the sharing of governance experiences, the parties are poised to reach new heights.

In today's volatile world, CCM is committed to working with CPC to jointly achieve modernization and contribute their due share to the world; peace, stability and economic growth for global humankind.

The author is CCM Central Committee Member & NEC Secretary for the Political Affairs and International Relations Department.

Rabia Abdalla Hamid

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